Believing In The Power Of Prayer!
Our children, oh so precious indeed, charge us as Fathers to take the lead.
Supply us with answers when we look in their eyes, so full of questions - the how's and why's.
As Mothers fashion us to be, the backbone of the family,
For we're the core that plays a part, in soothing matters of the heart.
For we are crafted by your skillful hand, to try to do the best we can.
Make us inclined to look around, for family members of a special kind.
Infirmed among us weak or frail, we ask to see that they prevail.
Oh use us Lord, you know what's best - to fill those blanks with tenderness.
Our forefathers did the best they could, to keep our lifeline strong and good.
So onward for generations to be - may you bestow their legacy.
In your master plan please keep us meek, as you continue to feed your sheep.
And lastly Father with love the key, may you shower us abundantly.
The ones whose lives are on the line, a special nod things turn out fine.
They're always ready to protect and serve, where most will falter out the nerve.
Specific ones been gone so long, please guide them back where they belong.
He is our brother and heavy may be, but most of all - he's family.
Heavenly Father Sovereign Lord, we look to you with one accord.
Thanking you most graciously, for the gift of family.
Keep us nurtured every day, to face life's challenge come what may.
And Father when our day subsides, please bless us with a new sunrise.
Help us to dwell on staying strong, to our convictions right or wrong.
Your outline for humanity - may we apply most diligently.
For by design and through your grace, please grant us wisdom to know our place.
You've made it clear where all should be, constructed in the family.
Teach us as parents steadfast to be, committed to integrity.
Prepare us Lord armed with the truth, to instill the same among our youth.
If single parents may we also succeed - to close the gaps and fill the need.
As men and women let us abide, to focus on a sense of pride.
Call Me!
Just Bcuz
We're Family!
So there's nothing more important, nor things that means so much, as to love him and to trust him....and to always "keep in touch".
There are times we all need comfort..someone to really care, however late the hour, the Lord is always there.......
Bernetha Rhodes-Columbia, SC
Family Clergy - Sharing A Spiritual Gift!
Roskcoe A. Motes
Willie V. Sutton II
Willie V. Sutton III
Emily R. Sutton
LaTrell Sutton
Dennis Earle
Lawrence Corley
Alisa Boykin
Lonnie Boykin
Mazie Motes
Alton Dillard Sr.
Anthony Washington
Edmond Mazyck
Lemuel Washington
-Brooklyn, NY
-Columbia, SC
-Columbia, SC
-Columbia, SC
-Columbia, SC
-Columbia, SC
-West Columbia, SC
-Loganville, GA
-Loganville, GA
-Moncks Corner, SC
-Charleston, WV
- Columbia, SC
- Pineville, SC
- Wedgefield, SC

I Corinthians 12: 1-31 - II Corinthians 12: 7-10
We can find the simple lessons of life within our reach. Most of the time, all we have to do is look at ourselves and our surroundings. This is the time of year when families normally come together for Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations. We try to put off or put on hold all the confusion and disagreement that we may have had during the year to come together as one body, as family.
I’m reminded of I Corinthians 12: 1-31, when Jesus spoke of the body and the function of its different members of operation. I look at my family as one body with many members and branches. A family that operates in many of the gifts that Jesus speaks about. Not a perfect family, but a family full of love and compassion.
I was born into this world with what we call to be a healthy body. Everything working together as it should. Then polio affected my body and changes began to take place. The right side was less developed than the left. I could not stand or support myself on the weaker and undeveloped side. I always depended on the stronger side to carry me throughout life. What I didn’t know was what I thought was strong, was also affected. I made myself to believe that one day I would lose all strength in what I perceived to be the weaker side. I thought that as I got older the under developed side of my body muscles would deteriorate and break down, even to the point of losing some function in my right leg. I looked at my body at one time not understanding that God had already blessed me. I wanted God to bless me in the way that I wanted to be blessed. Yes, selfish on my part and only as I wanted to see it. Life has a way of changing directions.
In II Corinthians 12: 7-10, Paul speaks of an issue in his body that he wanted God to handle. Paul didn’t like the state that he was in. He wanted to be blessed in the way that he could see it. It’s not about our timing, but God’s timing. It’s not about how we see it or receive it. It’s about what God does about it when He chooses to.
As years past, what I thought and saw as the stronger side of my body has now became weaker than the side that I had gave up on.
When we look at our family many times we look to find fault or place blame upon others that we think are weak or out of touch. It should be about coming together in support of each other as one body. What is weak can be made strong, and what is strong can sometimes be made weak. If one is out of touch then bring what is out of touch back into the body. In our family we have many clergies of different areas of ministries. It shouldn’t matter if you have a Doctoral Degree, or are an Evangelist, we serve the same God in one body, and that is in Christ Jesus. That’s one body with many different members, one tree with many different branches.
I pray that this Thanksgiving as we come together as family. May we be reminded that we are the body of Christ with many members working together as one in support and love of each other.
This Holiday Season let us focus on being Thankful for our blessings and continue giving our praises to our God. May we be reminded in the spirit to keep Christ in Christmas, as well, Christ in our families.
Dear God help me not to break down, but show me how to build up the different bodies in life. Help me to see things in the spirit that I may understand to your understanding. Help me to bring my physical, family, and church body in order as you would have it to be. In Christ Jesus name I pray.

We have a family garden, so beautiful indeed,
So many variations of uniquely blended seed.
The soil, a hearty mixture of blessings from within,
What pleasures lie in knowing - the harvest is our kin!
They are "Our Unsung Heroes". These are the ones who when you just ask, they say "yes". They are the ones who are always there, being a dependable support system during our times of need. It is those family members we want to take the time to honor. To salute their love, to tell their stories of about how they helped you to become the persons you are today.
For the month of March - We celebrate the wind beneath......
Share your stories about that one particular person who helped you to soar - someone who truly is "the wind beneath your wings". We will highlight that special someone every month through 2013.
Steven Waters
"A.K.A. Steve Ice"
There are many family members who were instrumental in making you succeed. The time to show your appreciation is by giving them, "their flowers - to enjoy now while they can see the beauty".
Where do you begin to thank someone you love for everything they have given to enhance your life? How can you show appreciation for the magnitude of effort they put into showing you that you are worth all their effort, time, energy, care, concern and most of all, in seeing that all was not in vain.

My brother Steven a.k.a Steve Ice is the hero in our family. He is truly the wind beneath my wings. I can’t remember a time when he was not there for me. He is my big brother, who was also like a father to me. He has been a great influence in my life. Steve is a strong believer ineducation, as a safety advisor for New York’s City Dept. Of Transportation he educates the youth about the importance of traffic safety and the danger of drinking and driving.
He supported me and gave me the confidence that I needed to return to school ten years after finishing high school. When I thought it was too late and the odds were against me, he pushed me and kept encouraging me to follow my dreams. In 2011 I received my CPhT license as a pharmacy technician and I am currently pursuing a degree as a Pharmaceutical Rep.
One of the many things that Steve does each year is host a charity drive for the holidays. Steve along with his wife Desiree, Partner Joe Cool and the rest of his SnS team, collects and distribute clothes, toys and other items to needy families throughout the city. He takes time away from his schedule to step up and show support for others in his community. In 2011 when Harlem’s hoop star 18 year old Tayshana “Chicken” Murphy was innocently gunned down and killed. Steven and SnS Production came together with Murphy’s family to promote gun violence awareness and help to create a foundation in her memory.
He is also one of New York’s hottest party promoters and in 2012, he was honored as Promoter Of The Year. He promotes ski trips, comedy shows and other activities which helps bring families and friends together.
Looking back on my family history I think Steven inherited this trait from our great grandfather Edward. It was often told to us how Edward who moved to Detroit always helped and was there for his sisters and brothers in South Carolina and Detroit.
My hero is Steven Waters, great-grandson of Edward Washington, grandson of Adele Washington and Son of Marilyn Waters.
He is a man of God, a husband, a father, an uncle, a friend to many and my brother.

Lovingly Shared By Your Sister........
Lakisha Robertson
Wynonna Counts-Columbia, SC